“What store are your flowers and cake coming from?” asked the replacement caterer/wedding planner for Homeland Stores Inc. Homeland Stores was also where Sandra just happened to work as a pharmacist.
“Store number 888. Don’t you have a record of that? You have done this before?” Sandra states in a very huffy mood.
“Oh yes. Of course I have. Yes, Yes. I see it here right now. Don’t worry Sandra everything will be perfect.” said the replacement.
August 21, 1993 rolls around. Sandra is at the church early, as all brides usually are, getting ready. Her hairdresser was doing her hair and makeup when the door open and the planner steps in. “Sandra, do you know what store is doing your cake and flowers?”
“It is 888 but shouldn’t you know that? Is everything going as planned? Will the cake be here and the flowers? Is my wedding going to come off as planned? What kind of a planner are you? ##########. Do you offer this kind of service to our customers?” Sandra belts out.
The hairdresser says, “Sandra your make up is perfect don’t start sweating…or get to excited. It will all come together I promise.” Sandra chills at this point thankful for such a person as Melissa. Melissa then starts on Sandra’s hair.
About an hour before the wedding the flowers arrive. Pictures are being taken. The cake has not arrived. The planner tells Sandra it will be here. “Sandra we have one small problem. Where are your toasting glasses? It was your responsibility to furnish them.”
Sandra starts to turn red; again Melissa steps in “Twila and I will get this one. If you mess up my makeup job I will kill you. Do you understand?” Melissa goes to the local mall and buys some toasting glasses.
The pictures and wedding itself go off without much of a hitch. Of course there is the normal amount of nervousness everyone is feeling. At least the Bride and Groom never noticed the little flower girl that had to be taken to the bathroom in the middle of the ceremony.
As it comes time for the reception, the couple enters the church gym. Sandra takes one look at the cake and sees a leaning tower. The cake is crooked and looks like part of it has fallen and not baked well. Tina, Sandra’s best friend, sees Sandra’s eyes. Tina knows she had better keep Sandra away from the planner.
The cake was not the only thing that went wrong. In the end Sandra got a refund for the whole affair. Really though who noticed? Sandra and only a few of those in the wedding party were aware of the flaws that took place that day. Many will talk for years about the cute little flower girl that had to go potty in the middle of the ceremony. Most remember the guitar player and the photographer. If you asked any guest if they liked the spread set before them they respond that it was quite delightful. Even though this may have been The Wedding That Followed Murphy’s Law, the marriage was blessed by God that day. Joy can come in the middle of chaos if those that want to see joy see it.
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